
memories of parents

I was born after 1989, so I don't have any memories from communist times, although my parents used to tell me some stories about life in '80s.
They both mentioned stability, which has disappeared after 1989. After 1989 y Dad has gone to Germany to work as a factory worker- he used to send money to Mum. I remember I was getting brand new Barbie dolls from him which were so expensive in Poland back then. On the other hand, the fact that Dad had to go abroad to work, affected my relationship with him a lot. He was working abroad for a few years and every time he was visiting us I treated him like a stranger. I remember I was hiding behind my Mum's skirt.

I moved to UK because of various reasons- I was always fascinated by British culture, art and music. I was learning English since I was 6 years old. UK is another part of my journey. I have nomadic soul and I don't want to stay for long in one place. I have been enjoying it so far, but what gets me scared is growing hate towards Eastern Europeans. If the country I am learning to love now, won't give me this love back, I will probably move somewhere else. Somewhere, where I will feel appreciated and safe. Will that be UK? I can't tell now.

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Created: 3 Jun 2019, 2:30 p.m.

Nationality: Polish